ILFORD ALLOTMENTS Loxford Lane, Loxford, Ilford.

HELLO EVERYONE: WELCOME TO THE ILFORD ALLOTMENTS SOCIETY at Loxford Lane (also known as the LOXFORD ALLOTMENTS). This is a gallery page with additional images of the plots at Loxford Lane

All the images shown below are from the Loxford Lane plots and please do feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Thank you for visiting the site.

  • melons melons in Loxford plots
  • a plot Another plot at Loxford
  • another plotAnother growth area
  • A plot ready for planting A Plot ready for planting
  • another plot Another plot ready for the new season
  • Bamboo sticks for climbing plants Bamboo sticks for plants
  • Another plot prepared fo th new seasonAnother plot prepared
  • A plot with a plant A plot with plants
  • Another plot Another plot with plants
  • another area Another area in Loxford plots
  • yet another growth Another growth area in Loxford plots
  • bamboo sticks ready Bamboo sticks ready for climbing plants
  • yet more growth Even more growth
  • plants climbing sticks Plant climbing sticks
  • row of climbing plants Row of climbing plants at Loxford plots
  • Even more growth Extra more growth
  • more growth Another plot
  • Even more growth Another plot
  • Even more growth still more
  • Even more growth More plots
  • Callaloo callaloo plus others
  • Even more growth Extra growth
  • plot prepared Plot ready
  • beans and others Beans and other growth
  • Another part Another part of the plots